The way our military engages with adversaries, and even the adversaries themselves, is rapidly evolving. For this reason, GovWhitePapers works hard to ensure a robust database of up-to-date defense and military white papers, eBooks, datasheets and more are always available to the military community.
Embracing Technology in the Military
The military protects the United States on land, sea, air, and now in cyberspace. Embracing advanced technology is not new to the military. In fact, many of today’s most common technologies (including the Internet), came out of the Department of Defense. Similarly, our troops were using virtual reality and simulation technology long before they became commonplace.
While the DoD embraces new technologies to stay one step ahead of adversaries, all solutions in use by DoD have to be hardened both in terms of security and for field use. This is where our military is in determining the application of some of the buzziest technology including artificial intelligence, cloud, 5G, and IoT.
Military technology is one of the biggest “buckets” of defense and military content we have on the site. We’ve highlighted a number of resources below that help make sense of how to apply emerging technology to the needs of our soldiers in the field.
- Defense Innovation Board: Zero Trust Architecture Recommendations — Based on existing Department of Defense (DoD) network vulnerabilities and future network requirements, the Defense Innovation Board (DIB) recommends that DoD begin moving toward a zero trust security architecture model for the Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet) and the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet). While zero trust implementation will be an iterative process across various DoD networks, all DoD zero trust efforts should strive toward the following network ecosystem end state.
- Artificial Intelligence and National Security — Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field of technology with potentially significant implications for national security. As such, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) and other nations are developing AI applications for a range of military functions. Already, AI has been incorporated into military operations in Iraq and Syria. Congressional action has the potential to shape the technology’s development further, with budgetary and legislative decisions influencing the growth of military applications as well as the pace of their adoption.
- Advancing Government with a ‘Digital Twin” DevOps Strategy — More and more organizations in both the public and private sectors are adopting DevOps approaches to business culture, technology development, implementation and testing practices. However, some remain hesitant, slow to accept the risk and uncertainty that a new approach can bring. One concept that leaders in DevOps have adopted that underpins the success of the approach is a digital twin, the idea of replicating (or modeling) the data, code and technology so multiple teams can work on it simultaneously, accelerating authority to operate (ATO) and development pipelines.
- Guidelines on Cybersecurity Onboard Ships — Ships are increasingly using systems that rely on digitization, digitalization, integration, and automation, which call for cyber risk management on board. As technology continues to develop, information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) onboard ships are being networked together, and more frequently connected to the Internet. This brings the greater risk of unauthorized access or malicious attacks to ships’ systems and networks. Risks may also occur from personnel accessing systems on board, for example by introducing malware via removable media.
- The Future of Space 2060 and Implications for U.S. Strategy: Report on the Space Futures Workshop — Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) hosted a Space Futures Workshop (SFW) to explore the role of space to the year 2060. Participants from the DoD, NASA, NATO, industry, and academia used an alternative futures analysis technique to develop a range of future scenarios and to explore how they relate to national power. This paper summaries the eight future space scenarios that were developed and explored.
These are just a sampling of resources available to the DoD community. You can browse more military tech information through our search engine here: